Friday, May 22, 2009

Birthday's all around

This Wednesday was Madison's 6th birthday! What a fun day we had. She invited her friend Calvin over, we went and had lunch at Burger King with Darren and then I took her and Calvin to the mall to get Madison's ears pierced. Calvin's mom gave him money to spend so I took them to the dollar store to spend it. On their birthday they get to pick their favorite dinner, Madison pick Hawaiian Haystacks. After dinner she opened her gifts and was in love with her new night gowns. I have seen on other blog, people post about the day their child was born. Being that I wasn't their that day, I will tell you about my first day with Madison.
Madison was 21 months old, she had brown hair in pigtails that curled at the ends. She was in a white and pink outfit that said "daddy's girl" on it. That day was also my first date with Darren, he came to my door with a sleeping Madison in his arms.
To my little mighty mouse,
I love you with all my heart, you are such a fun and loving girl. You are always so helpful and a good big and little sister. I'm so proud of your school work and how smart you are. You really are a princess. I'm so glad that Heavenly Father gave me the chance to be your mother, I love you, you have blessed my life with happiness.
Your mom

Cole's Birthday was on Thursday. He is now a big 10 year old, oh how time can fly. Cole had school so we didn't do anything in the daytime. Cole wanted to have ribs for his dinner. After dinner we I had a treasure hunt for Cole to find his gifts. This is how it went,
#1 Fairy, Fairy, quite Contrary, where should you go? knock your self in the mouth, and then you will know.(pillow)
#2 Water & Light I need to grow, you can find me by the window.(plant)
#3 Some take me in the morning, others take me in the evening, but one thing you should know, that when I am taken, I do not go. (shower)
#4 I have a sound that does beep, and while the time I do keep, my main function involves heat.(microwave)
#5 One, two, three, you'll find me where Sadie goes pee pee.(bathroom)
All the kids had fun with this,the girls want me to do this for them.
The first day I met Cole was on my 3rd date with Darren. We went to Kathy's for dinner and I met the all the family. Cole really didn't like you much he always stuck his tong out at me, he did this for the first year. I think by that time he figured out I wasn't going anywhere. And now we are best buddy's.
To Mr. Cole boy,
Thank you for being you. You are a great big brother and are always helping me out. I love to watch you play baseball and rockband, you can always give me a good laugh. I'm so happy that I can be your mother, I love you with all my heart.
your mom


amy thomas said...

happy birhtday madison they grow up way to fast.hey you left out the part were she threw up in the truck i thought that was on your first date?

Meg said...

Yes that did happen, but that was are 4th or 5th date!

Leann said...

You are such a cute mom. Thats a good idea. Happy birthday Maddie and Cole. That's awesome you remember. Gotta love those kids

Heather Thomas said...

Happy Birthday Cole and Maddie. They are getting so big. This was a really sweet entry.