Sunday, April 5, 2009

I will do it!

A few of my friend have been blogging about their weight loss and they are doing great! Reading their blog has help motivate me in to doing my own. I started a little over 2 weeks ago, I am counting my calories and exercising for 60min. every day. I weigh my self on Mondays and I have also measured myself. In the last 2 weeks I have lost 11 pounds, I have lost 1inch on my stomach, 1inch on my butt, and 5inches on my chest(what is up with that). I feel so much better about my self and I have so much more energy. It's going to be a long road but well worth it.


The Robertsons said...

Good Job Meg! That is awsome, I wish that I had that modivation to do the same thing, keep up the good work!

The Marvelous Mrs. Miller said...

Good for you Meg! Keep up the good work! = ) Loves!

jina carter said...

I am so proud of you! That is alot of changes, isn't it amazing! I lost ALOT of my boobies too! I was like WRONG area! I can't wait to hear more about how your doing. Keep posting as often as you can!

Jason, Holli, Lizzie and Zach said...

Great job! Starving and working out is a complete nightmare. Hang in there. There are a lot of us out there doing the same thing.