Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Prayer for Mom

The past few days I have been dealing with Kidney Stones, and I finally decided to go to the doctor today. When I told Hannah and Madison that I wasn't feeling good and that I was going to the doctor, my cute little Hannah said "Mom, we should say a prayer for you". My heart filled with love and gratitude, that my sweet daughter would think to call on our Heavenly Father at this time. We waited for grandma Kathy to come over and had our little Prayer, Hannah didn't quite know what to say so Madison offered to say it. Thank you to my girls, who are looking after me, and thank you to my father in heaven for giving me the greatest blessing... My children.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Santa Came!

Ya, for Santa. This is my last post for Christmas, and I know I use Smile box a lot but it is fast and cute so here is one more Smile box creation for the season.

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Christmas Eve

Wow this is a lot of blogging! And I'm only on Christmas Eve. Ok, so every Christmas eve Darren and I give the kids new Christmas PJ. Here are some pictures of them.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Thomas Christmas Party

Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa Thomas house. This was a lot of fun. Grandma and Grandpa gave the kids some fun gifts, Cole got an Air Hogs Airplane, Hannah got a Baby Alive doll, Madison got a Princess laptop and Princess shoes and Sadie got a baby doll. Lance and Heather got us a gift card to Texas Roadhouse and Bob and Kathy got us a card table and chairs, gift cards and money. Thank you Bob and Kathy for a fun and wonderful Christmas Eve.

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The Saturday before Christmas we went to a party at Grandma and Grandpa Aardemas house. Grandma and Grandpa got the kids scooters and Sadie an Elmo kitchen, Aunt Tiffany got Cole a dart gun, Hannah a Hannah Montana camera, Madison got walkie- talkie's and Sadie got a baby doll, they all loved what they got. Here are a few pictures of the party.

We went down to my mom's house in Spanish Fork for her Christmas party. It took us almost 2 hours to get their with the bad weather, my mom put on a really great party. She had a gift exchange game for the kids to play and lots of fun presents for all. Thanks mom, you are the best mom and grandma.

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

This was the most fun! My sisters and I went to the Zoo lights, it was so cold but so much fun! I hope to do this next year.

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Got Eggs?

As I was repainting the kids bathroom Sadie thought that the dog (Mr. Puppy) might be hungry, so she feed him some eggs. When I came down this is what I found, all the eggs were gone just the shells were left. Sadie and Mr.Puppy in Time out!

Christmas Party!

Well this is one of many Christmas Party's that I will be posting. This party was with all my sisters, my brother and my dad and his wife. It was held at my sister Collene's house this year and we all had a lot of fun. We made gingerbread houses (my sister Leann's is the only one that stayed standing), had a gift exchange and had yummy food. Here is some of them many pictures I took.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Hannah and Madison love to sing. They got in their dress up cloths and wanted me to video them, the are so cute and sweet. I love you girls.

Is Christmas really almost here? I can't believe how fast this year has come and gone. I haven't been in the Christmas spirit this year, it may be that we haven't had any snow yet. I hope the snow that is coming this weekend will change my mood, what cant I say I think I'm being the Grinch. With all that said I think my Christmas cards turned out pretty good. Thanks to Kristin and Laura (my sisters) for your help on them.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Fun!

What a fun and memorial Thanksgiving. Thank you Kathy for all the great food and hosting it. Thank you Kristin for taking all the pictures.

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Saturday, November 22, 2008


I think I'm in love! Last Night my mom, my sisters and I went to the 9 o'clock showing of Twilight. I left my house at 4:30 to drop the kids off to Darren and meet my sisters in Provo at the Red Robin to eat. My Sister Collene got in line for the movie at 5 so we could be the first one's in and get the best seats, Thanks Collene. We all ended up waiting in line for 2 1/2 hours before getting in to see the movie, but it was well worth it. This was so much fun, I cant wait for the next movie to come out so we can do it all over again.

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Monday, November 17, 2008

This Sunday was my sister's little boy's birthday party, Sadie was so excited to go to his Choo, Choo party. I got this taped on my camera and I held it sideways not thinking that is was going to record sideways. But it's still cute.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

How I met Darren

How did you meet your significant other?Answer all the questions HONESTLY and re post as "How I met _____"

1.Where did you meet? We meet through Darren sister-in-law and her mother. I worked with her mother. It took him 6 months of talking on the phone before he asked me out. But now I know he was dating some else at the time. What a nerd.

2.What was the first thought that went through your head when you met? Well he came up to my front door holding 1 1/2 year old Madison in his arms. He was cute, I was scared, I didn't know if I was ready for that yet.

3.Do you remember what he was wearing? Yes I do, he was wearing a white T-shirt with orange county choppers on it with a blue and white button up along with Diesel Pants and he still has them.

4.Where was the first time you kissed this person? In his Truck, at my sister Laura's apartment in Orem.

5.Where did you go for your first date? Wingers, in Spanish Fork and then to a movie.

6.How long did you know this person before you became a couple? 3 weeks

7.How did he ask you out? He called me and asked if I could go out that night.

8.Has this person ever proposed to you? Yes, He put my ring in an ice cube and I almost put it down the sink.

9.Do you and this person have kids together? Oh, do we! Darren had 3 kids when we meet, and then we added Sadie in Oct. of 06.

10.Have you ever broken the law with this person? I don't know, and if we I cant remember.

11.When was the first time you realized that you liked this person? On the second date.

12.Do you get along with his family? Yep.

13.Do you trust this person? With my life. He is the best man ever.

14.Do you see him as your partner in your future? He is now, and he will always be.

15.What is the best gift he gave you? My 4 children.

16.What is one thing he does that gets on your nerves? He is always working on new improvements on his BABY (his truck)!

17.Where do you see each other 15 years from now? Well, Cole will be 24 and hopefully out of the house, Hannah will be 22 and the same, hopefully out of the house, Madison will be 20, she might still be with us and Sadie will 17 and she better be still in the house. And I hope we live closer to my family, I hope that is in the next 5 years.

18.What causes the most arguments? My spending!

19.How long have you been together? 3 Years and 4 months.

20.Are you Married? If were not, I'm crazy!

21. Who Do you Tag? All my Sister's!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pee Pee in the Potty!

This is so cute I had to blog about it. I know Sadie is a little young to start potty training, but she will come to me and tell me and say "pee pee, poo poo," so I put her on the little potty and away she goes. It's only happened 2 times now, but I think she's off to a good start!

Sadie loves the snow!

As I was getting the kids ready for school this morning, Sadie got up to come downstairs and she saw the snow on the ground and said "mommy look"! She was 1 years old the last time she had seen snow. The kids were putting on their gloves and hats, and Sadie had to put hers on too. So I took her outside to see what snow was all about, she loved it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Blast into the Past!

I just found our engagement pictures from 3 1/2 years ago. My mom gave them to me about a year ago and I lost them again or I should say misplaced them. I'm so happy I found them and thought I would share them with you, I pick out my favorite ones. Oh and the song that I picked, is one that Darren gave to me on Valentines Day.

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Halloween Fun!

A few days late on posting our Halloween events, but worth the wait. We had so much fun, I took the kids to the West Jordan trunk or treat and the got to get up on the stage and show off their costumes. We also went to Grandpa and Grandma Thomas house, Jordan Landing trick or treat, our neighborhood and Grandpa and Grandma Aardema's. Yep that's right, we did it all and the kids loved it. Here's a slid show of everything we did!

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

7 Things Tag

October 26, 2008

7 Things Tag.

Seven things that attract me to my hubby.
1. He's a mechanic, I never have to worry about my car
2. He is very cute.
3. His truck, lol
4. He works very hard so I can stay home with the kids.
5. He is a great Dad to our kids
6. He loves me for who I am
7. He's funny

7 Things I always say
1.What are you doing?
2. Yes
3. No
4. Time for Bed!
5. I love you!
6. Sadie, No!
7. I want kisses!

7 things I love to eat
1. Diet Pepsi
2. Pizza
3. Baby Ruth bars
4. Fish, that Darren cooks. I hate all other fish.
5. Potato soup
6. Mac & Cheese with hot dogs
7. Nachos

7 things I can do
1. House work, and I'm good at it.
2. Taking care of 4 kids
3. Kill any bug, spider or anything that is unwanted in our house.
4.Love my kids with all my heart
5. Walk out of Wal-Mart spending more then $ 100.00
6. Clean up pee and poo messes ( I don't know I'm out of ideas)

7 things I can't do
1. run, I have really bad knees
2. jump, " "
3. Sleep in, I always wake up at 7. I hate it
4. Leave the house a mess, it drives me crazy!
5. Let Darren leave the house with out a hug and kiss.
6. Play sports, I'm just not very good at it.
7. Sing, I have a bad singing voice.

7 people I tag
Ruthann, Brandie, Mellisa, Kristen, Chris, Heather Thomas, Heather Miller.

Madison can Read!

This is my cute little Madison, she is in Kindergarten, and she just started reading! I feel like the proudest mom ever! I love seeing my children grow and learn new things. I love them, I love them, I love them!!!!

Photo Tag

Darren is going to kill me for posting this on my blog, but it was the fourth of the fourth. I love this picture. A week before I took this picture Sadie had caught a cold and I had taken her to the doctors. They gave me the breathing machine to help clear her lungs, well the Pharmacy that I went to (Wal-Mart) put down the wrong amount of medication. Not knowing this and Sadie not getting better I went back to the doctors and they sent my to Primary Children's Hospital where I spent 6 hr. Now comes to this picture, Darren and I Stayed home so Sadie could get better, we were watching TV and I asked Darren if I could put his hair in ponytails, you have to know Darren this took a lot for him to let me do this. I don't know why I wanted to do this I have 3 girls, I put ponytails in every day. Anyway after doing this and just hanging out watching TV Darren's mom and dad stop by to see how Sadie was doing and seen Darren with ponytails in his hair, they will never let Darren out of this one. And for Darren's birthday that year they gave him pink hair bobbles. I love life moments like this.

Now that I have been tagged... you know the drill.
I tag: 1)Heather Thomas 2) Kristen 3) Chris and 4) Lori. Here's what to do......open the fourth folder in your pictures and pick the fourth picture. Then tag four of your friends. I can't wait to see your posts! Everyone should do this!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Sadies Birthday!

Ok, I'm sorry to all of you that waited to see the pictures of Sadie's birthday and all you got was "LOADING". I found smile box through my sisters blog and I love it, I hope now you can see Sadie's birthday pictures.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sadie's Birthday Party!

Happy Birthday to my Sadie Lady! We Had an Abby Caddaby birthday for Sadie on Sunday. I Made a pinata for the kids and my Mom made the best Abby Cake ever! Thanks Mom you really are the #1 mom. And thanks to everyone who came up Sadie had a fun time and she loves the gifts.

Hannah's Dance

Aunt Kristin is the Cheer Advisor at Cooper Hills High School, so Hannah got to be a cheerleader for the half time. She loves to do this I really need to put her in a dance class. Thank you Aunt Kristin we love you!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I love my Girls

The girls and I played nail salon. Hannah wanted red with white dots and sparkles on top. Madison wanted blue with white dots. Its nice to sit down with the girls and pamper them. I love you girls.